Delia Parker-Mims

Chair of the Denton County Democratic Party

Texas Democrats need to become ONE TEAM. That is key. We were handed a heartbreaking defeat, but if we continue to look at this defeat as if the word “misogyny” is the only explanation, then we have missed the lesson.

The Republican Party has truly shown us that “united we stand and divided we fall” is how you gain and maintain power. Republicans believe that being Republican is an identity. Even if they despise their nominee, they have shown repeatedly that they will hold their nose and still vote for the Republican.

Democrats, on the other hand, have begun using our identities as a bargaining tool to be used only against other Democratic candidates. We don’t fully embrace being a Democrat as our identity. The bottom line is this, we know that Democrats govern with compassion and empathy, but unless we win elections, it doesn’t matter.

We must become ONE TEAM.

Below are the lessons I believe we need to learn and the steps we need to enact to become one perfect team in power. Keep in mind, all of these cannot be done by the Democratic Party but must be embraced by all Democrats and likeminded entities, organizations, PACS, clubs, donors and volunteers. There is much work to do, each entity has its purpose. We can only accomplish this work as, ONE TEAM.

What happened?

It’s more than misogyny, it’s apathy. Nationwide, Democrats underperformed. The Democratic base did not vote as enthusiastically as the Republican base. 

In Denton County, Democrats with partisan scores of 90% and above were outvoted by Republicans with the same partisan scores.

Through canvassing, we discovered reasons for this, including:

  • Lack of enthusiasm for our top-of-the-ticket candidates. There was anger over not having a primary. The perception was that once again Democratic elites chose an anointed a candidate that was not chosen by the people.

  • Our messaging was unmotivating. No consistent message was delivered across platforms for all candidates. There was no excitement driven by our Senatorial candidate. The reality is that our down-ballot candidates are affected by the enthusiasm from the top-of-the-ticket ones, which was absent.

  • Our messaging was unclear and confusing, so it didn’t resonate with moderates and independents.

  • The perception that the economy was bad was not addressed until the election. Democrats should better communicate kitchen-table successes and how they effect everyday Americans.

 Additional factors in our loss in Texas include:

  • Urban areas in Texas did not increase Democratic turnout.

  • Republicans did not cross over.

  • We underperformed in traditional key “Democratic” demographics like younger voters.

What do we do?

Since we cannot control the national narrative, but we can control certain aspects within Texas, we must work to effectuate the aspects we can change.

First, we must have a unified goal of changing the Democratic brand so that we operate as ONE TEAM. That means we support candidates and issues based on values and not identity.

Second, we must change Texas’s voting maps. Until the Texas maps are changed, our House and Congressional districts will forever be majority Republican. This can be done in 2030. We now have a working date and a goal.

Third, we must understand that the Republican Party of the past no longer exists. We can never flip enough Republican voters to win an election, so let’s stop campaigning to Republicans. To win elections, we must galvanize Democratic voters and persuade independents to vote for our candidates.

Finally, we must continuously register Democratic voters. Targeted registration must be a continuous, prioritized process.

How do we accomplish this?

  • Increase turnout in the primary. There is a direct correlation between primary turnout and general election turnout. Contested primaries can help increase Democratic turnout.

  • Work with all PACs, groups, clubs, and progressive/democratic entities instead of against them. Texas Democrats must become ONE TEAM. These entities are necessary to accomplish our collective goals. We all have a purpose.

  • Focus on municipal and school board races. The Republican Party gained their Texas majority by focusing on local elections and building a vast network of republican engagement with voters through everyday issues.

  • Use data to strategically target partisan races and not use emotion or popularity as a marker for targeting.

  • Create an infrastructure of success. Establishing a clear objective and mission for the state party is paramount. Then we should only work on matters in furtherance of that mission. We need to be goal oriented.

  • Establish a stronger channel of support with county parties providing them with tools to build their infrastructures and volunteer bases.

  • Stay away from culture wars. Seek to regain the image of the Democratic Party being “the party of the working people.” Build on commonality instead of on differences.

  • Be a leader amongst state chairs by working with other state chairs to promote singular messaging.

  • Democratic elected officials need to be more visible and accessible. Because of lack of engagement, we have somehow allowed the average voter in Texas to believe that all the problems of Texas are caused by the Democrats who have not been in power for over 30 years. Elected officials should incorporate a schedule to reach constituents with information so that our voters are not only educated, but also are familiar with our Democratic policies. We need to utilize media to publish articles about issues and how they affect everyday voters. We should create podcasts and videos.

  • Do more pop-up town halls in places like barber shops and small businesses. Meet the people where they are.

  • Increase the use of all mediums to engage people where they are at. We cannot wait until the election and GOTV to influence the voters. We must become immersed in the conversation of the public every day. Republicans are working to control the 7 dominions: government, media, arts and entertainment, religion, family, and business. They seek power and have very defined goals on how to achieve it. We are not even playing the same game as Republicans are playing when we wait to message and engage the public only around election season.

Fundraising is fuel.

I would say that wealthy Democrats need to be as invested as wealthy republicans. Republicans know their identity. They know their goal. They create PACs in furtherance of their singular goal — acquiring power. They acquire power as Americans and as ONE TEAM.

  • Set the tone that money in Texas stays in Texas. Engage with our donors so that they understand the value of donating within the state to create long-term change.

  • Travel out of state to create relationships within safe Blue States. Do fundraisers in those states and encourage Democrats nationwide to act as ONE TEAM.

  • Host continuous events across the state to engage voters and create fundraising opportunities.

The Democratic Party is a big tent. That is our strength. That is our weakness. Currently, we are letting that weakness define us.

As we move forward, we must make strategic decisions. Let us remember that while we may have different identities that are important to us individually, we have common values. Those values include individual autonomy, freedom, and access to opportunity. We don’t share the exact same vision of a perfect union, but our values are closely aligned as we work toward building a more perfect union as ONE TEAM.


Up Close and Personal - Fighting Forwards


Assertive. Accurate. Always.