It’s More Than Roads & Bridges

Hate has no place in Denton County

Delia and Amy

Hate has no place in Denton County District 3. Denton County deserves a voice that respects and values the rights of all citizens. Currently the only voice coming from the County Commissioners Court is one of right-wing extremism. For example, while we were celebrating our holiday, the county commissioners were adopting a resolution to make Denton a “Bill-of-Rights” Protected County. This affirmed the right to discriminate based on religion and the right for violent gun owners to maintain their weapons.

What this says to LGBTQ residents is that at any moment they can be discriminated against, asked to leave a restaurant, denied access to opportunity, or refused service. What this says to a battered woman is that her right to safety is subordinate to his right to possess a weapon.

It’s time for smart, responsive leadership that places a value on all the citizens in our county. It’s time for an advocate who has worked to empower individuals, not deny them access or make them less safe. Hate has no place in Denton County, and I intend to ensure that our policies and laws must reflect that.


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